Are there people in heaven right now? Who is in heaven now?
Today, there are many questions about heaven that are being asked such as these:
Is anyone in heaven right now? What does heaven look like? Can people in heaven see us? When do we go to heaven? Do we go to heaven when we die? Will our pets go to heaven?
These questions, as well as others in regards to people in heaven, will be answered either directly, or indirectly, in this article. And while many others speak about people in heaven- or what does it look like in heaven, we actually deliver the facts.
We are bringing back to life, eight bible, Holy Men of God, as well as also calling on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to help us put this matter to rest, once and for all.
So please, make sure to read this article to the very end for all of the information and details in regards to heaven. You don’t want to miss out on this one. It’s going to be epic!
Nine Bible Witnesses
We shall be calling on Nine Bible Witnesses to help us answer the question that everybody wants to know: Are There People In Heaven Right Now? And if so, whether people go to heaven when they die?
So, let’s get right to it!
For the bible facts and explicit evidence, we shall call on the following bible witnesses for their answers to these and other perplexing questions in regards to whether there are people in heaven right now- and what does it look like in heaven, and of course, the big one- Has anybody ever seen God? Let’s do it!
- The Apostle John
- The Apostle Peter
- The Apostle Paul
- Timothy- Paul’s Companion
- King David
- King Solomon
- Ezekiel
- Moses
- Jesus Christ
That’s a very impressive line-up of witnesses and we should listen to them very carefully.
Jesus Christ once said, That by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established (Mat 18:16). And so, this is how we intend to establish the facts right here and now, with these NINE BIBLE WITNESSES.
Here are some of the questions that we shall pose to our Bible Witnesses:
→ Are their people in heaven right now? And has anyone seen God?
→ What does it look like in heaven? Can people in heaven see us?
→ Is man immortal by way of an undying spirit or an immortal soul?
→ What is man? Is man a spirit? Is man a soul?
→ Do souls die?
→ What happens when we die?
→ Do we go to heaven when we die?
→ When do we go to heaven?
→ How do we go to heaven?
The Examinations are about to take place. Please follow along. The first bible witness that we shall call to answer the question of whether there are any people in heaven right now, is ready to answer.
Bible Witness #1: The Apostle John
Question: Are there any people in heaven right now?
John the Apostle: “NO ONE has ascended up to heaven except He who came down from Heaven, the Son of Man who is in Heaven.” (John 3:13)
Question: Has anybody ever seen God?
John the Apostle: “NO ONE has seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. “ (John 1:18)
Thank You, Apostle John, for your direct and explicit answers. Now let’s go over his answers for further clarification.
NOTICE VERY CAREFULLY that John wrote the Gospel of John some time after the death and resurrection of Christ, when Christ was already in heaven. So please notice how John 3:13, reflects this by indicating, “WHO IS” (present-tense) in heaven.
When John wrote his gospel, Christ had already been resurrected to heaven- but in the same sentence, John makes it very specific that NO ONE ELSE has EVER gone there at anytime.
Read it again! That is an amazing and profound statement by the Apostle John.
The resounding biblical answer is – No! There aren’t any people in heaven right now. And that is the same reason why John also says that no one has seen God at any time.
What a revelation!
This means that at their deaths, neither Enoch, Elijah, Moses, the thief on the cross, or any other person for that matter, has ever ascended or gone up into heaven. And no, neither did anyone else at the time of Christ’s ascension.
They couldn’t have! The Apostle John said that NO ONE has ever gone to heaven. And this is AFTER Christ had already resurrected!
That’s amazing! We keep getting told from pulpits all across America- and from articles just like this, that when we die, we remain conscious, and immediately go to heaven. But John, has just contradicted all of those people who teach this false teaching.
That’s not what we do here at powerfulbibleverses.com. Instead, we let the bible interpret the bible. The end result is not popular for many who profess Christianity, but we will have it no other way.
Now, let’s get ready for Bible Witness #2.
Bible Witness #2: The Apostle Peter
If anyone should be in Heaven right now- if that’s where Men of God go after they die, it’s King David. He loved God so much, that God even called him, A man, after His own heart! (Acts 13:22).
But of course, the Apostle John has already said that no man, has ever ascended up to heaven. And the bible can’t contradict the bible. That means that Peter’s answer- whatever it may be, can’t contradict what John just said.
So now, let’s ask the Apostle Peter a couple of questions about King David:
Questions: Right now, is King David, dead or alive? And did he go to heaven when he died?
The Apostle Peter: “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. “For David did not ascend into the heavens… (Acts: 2:29,34).
The bible is not contradicting the bible. The Apostle Peter is agreeing 100% with the Apostle John. King David is dead, is in his grave, and did not ascend into heaven. According to John, no man has! This is huge!
Thank you, Apostle Peter, for your gracious answers.
Before we proceed with the next Bible Witness, let’s gather our thoughts for a moment and see what information we have up to this point.
So far, we’ve seen that no man has ever gone up into heaven- except the Man Christ himself (John 3:13).
That means that no one goes to heaven when they die- they can’t! I think that’s been established pretty clearly already. Anything that would differ to this, would be a contradiction- and in scripture, there just aren’t any.
Contradictions to scripture, happens only in the reasoning’s of deceived men, when they attempt to justify their beliefs at any cost.
Why is it that no man has ever gone to heaven after they die? Could the reason be like the Apostle Peter said of King David– that at this very moment, he is both dead and in his grave?
No dead person can ever enter heaven. Heaven is a place of the living. The grave, is the place of the dead.
Is that why King David didn’t ascend into heaven either… because, instead of being a spirit- or an undying soul, he too, like all the rest who preceded him in death, was only flesh and blood, and was really, really, dead when he died?
We will go to heaven at some point in time, and we shall call Christ as one of our witnesses to answer some questions about that in a bit. But, what I’d like to do right now, is explore the essence of what man is.
I feel that if we can understand the essence of what man is, we may understand why he doesn’t go to heaven when he dies here on the earth.
So, without further ado, let’s do it!
What is man? Is man immortal? Is man a spirit? Is man an immortal soul housed in a shell body?
We are going to need help getting to the bottom of this. And there’s no greater witness than Moses.
Moses penned the actual record of how God created man. He can help us know exactly how we were made and created. Let’s do this!
Bible Witness #3: Moses
Question: How did GOD make man? Is man composed of flesh or spirit?
MOSES: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh (Gen 2:7; 6:3).
Question: What happens to a man when he dies? Where does a man go when he dies?
MOSES: In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19).
Thank you, Moses. You were of great help! Your answers were very enlightening.
This explains why no man goes to heaven when he dies- he’s dead!
First of all- he is flesh, not a spirit. So when he dies, he returns not to heaven, but rather back to the earth- to the dust from where he came from.
Some of you might say that the record states that man became a living “soul”… true! But, he only became a “living” soul when God breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life. Just a second before, he was just a dead, lifeless soul- not living in any way, shape, or form.
The soul is not a spirit, much less immortal. The soul is physical. You and I, are souls. God- by way of Moses, just said it.
So, contrary to popular belief, souls do die. Therefore, there really is such a thing as Soul Sleep. In particular, when we are speaking of the sleep of death. More on this in a bit.

We’ve made a lot of progress so far! But there’s still a few more things to discover. For example, what happens after a man dies? And how and when are we going to heaven?
Before we call on other witnesses to answer those questions, I’d first like to briefly call TWO WITNESSES, to answer two questions that will help solidify a couple of things that we’ve learned so far. They have to do with a soul and the question of inherent immortality.
At this time, I’d like to call, both, Ezekiel and Timothy, for one question each.. It’s Showtime!
Bible Witnesses #4 and #5: Ezekiel and Timothy, respectively.
The first question about the soul is for Ezekiel. The second question is about inherent immortality, for Timothy:
Question: God’s word reveals that man is a soul. Is a soul immortal- or can a soul die?
Ezekiel: “Behold, all souls are Mine; The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is Mine; The soul who sins shall die (Eze 18:4).
Question: Is man immortal? In other words, does man posses inherent immortality by way of an immortal soul?
Timothy: He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality… (1Ti 6:15-16).
Great Info! Thank you Ezekiel, and thank you Timothy for your answers. They just keep solidifying and making the overall facts much clearer.
Now we know! A soul is not immortal and ONLY GOD possesses immortality.
It’s really amazing how none of these Holy Men of God, have contradicted each other with their answers.
A lot of these questions like, Are there people in heaven right now? What does it look like in heaven- or rather, What does heaven look like?… have now been answered.
At this point in the conversation, any questions about people in heaven, in general, have all pretty much been addressed. Aside from what little the bible tells us about what does heaven look like, we know nothing more since not one single person has ever gone there to describe it.
And it’s a sobering answer for the question, Are there people in heaven right now? The main reason for that, is because when we die- WE DIE! Dead people don’t go to heaven when they die, dead people go to their graves.
But that’s okay. Because, eventually, some of us- if found worthy, will go to heaven at some point in time. I’ll leave the how and when for Jesus Christ to answer shortly, when our Messiah is called as our last witness.
In the meantime, we have 3 other witnesses to sound off before Christ.
It will be King David, King Solomon, the Apostle Paul, and then our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Their testimonies will only further clarify, solidify, and strengthen everything we’ve learned up to this point.
Let’s continue…
Now we know that man dies because he isn’t immortal in any way, shape, or form. We also know that there are no people in heaven- YET.
But, due to misconceptions in regards to death, we do need answers to some additional questions for a more thorough understanding of what it means to be dead.
Important Questions that still need to be Answered
We now know that a dead man doesn’t go to heaven because he’s dead.
- But what does it mean to be dead?
- Does a dead man feel anything?
- Does he know anything?
- Can a dead man see, hear, and talk?
- Can a dead man process thought?
- Is a dead man conscious in some place other than heaven or hell?
To help us answer these intriguing questions, we shall call on two more bible witnesses to help us clarify these matters. We now call:
Bible Witnesses #6 and #7: King David and King Solomon, respectively.
The same questions- asked as a whole, will apply to each of the bible witnesses. King David will answer first, followed by King Solomon.
Question: When a man dies, is he still conscious? Does he still have the ability to see, hear, touch, smell, taste- and most importantly, think- or process thought?
King David: His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence .(Psa 146:4; 115:17).
King Solomon: For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Work hard at whatever you do. You will soon go to the world of the dead, where no one works or thinks or reasons or knows anything. (Ecc 9:5,10).
Our thanks and gratitude to both Kings, King David and King Solomon, for their most helpful and insightful answers. Much appreciated.
Finally, we have the whole picture in full view. Thanks to the magnificent bible witnesses that we’ve had.
This is what we know and have learned so far:
→ Man is not immortal- God ALONE is.
→ Man is not composed of spirit, but rather of flesh.
→ Man is a soul. A soul is not immortal and therefore, dies.
→ The case for Soul Sleep has clearly been established.
→ When a man dies, he ceases to exist. In that instance, his thoughts perish.
→ Man does not go to heaven at the moment of death.
→ When a man dies, he goes nowhere but to the silence of the grave.
→ No man has ever gone to heaven.
→ Aside from what scripture tells us, no man knows what heaven looks like.
→ No man has ever seen God.
→ Every man that has ever lived and died, is still in his grave this very day.
We’re almost done! But, in spite of everything we’ve learned up to this point, there is still a matter that needs to be resolved in order to complete this portrait.
We know that no one is, or has ever gone to heaven. We also know that a man doesn’t go to heaven the moment he dies. However, we know that at some point in time, he will ascend into heaven, the bible is adamant about that.
The questions we have left, are, Who is going to heaven? How are we going to heaven? And when are we going to heaven?

To help us answer these questions, we have two bible witnesses left, who are going to do just that for us- The Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ.
Here are the list of questions we have for them:
- Who is going to heaven?
- How are we going to heaven?
- When are we going to heaven?
We have our questions- let’s finish this off!
Bible Witnesses #8 and #9: The Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ, respectively.
First up, we will have the Apostle Paul answering the second question on the list- and any variants of it- if needed, for further clarification.
Then, we will have our final witness- Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, answering the first, and third and final question on the list. Here we go!
Question: How are we going to heaven?
The Apostle Paul: We are telling you what the Lord taught. We who are still alive when the Lord comes will not go into his kingdom ahead of those who have already died. The Lord will come from heaven with a command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the dead who believed in Christ will come back to life. Then, together with them, we who are still alive will be taken in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. In this way we will always be with the Lord. (1Th 4:15-17).
Question: Are you implying that people like Abraham, Enoch, Elijah, Moses, and all the others who died in their faith, are still in their graves- never having gone to heaven on account of us?
The Apostle Paul: These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect (Heb 11:39-40).
Thank You, Apostle Paul, your answers were very informative.
No wonder no one has ever gone to heaven yet. God’s plan is that we all go together, at the same time. He is going to make us all perfect at the same time.
This explains everything! No one gets to go to heaven before anyone else.
And now, we finally come to our last and final bible witness- Jesus Christ.
The last two remaining questions are:
- Who is going to heaven?
- When are we going to heaven?
Let’s get right to it!
Question: Lord, Who is going to heaven?
Jesus Christ: Not everyone who calls out to Me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of My Father in heaven will enter (Mat 7:21).
Question: Sorry Lord, but could you be a little more specific?
Jesus Christ: …to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments (Mat 19:17).
Thank You Lord. One last question.
Question: Lord, tell us, When are we going to heaven?
Jesus Christ: In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and I will receive you unto Myself; so that where I am, there you may be also (John 14:2-3).
Question: Sorry Lord, but if I may, when are you coming again?
Jesus Christ: No one knows about that day or hour. Not even the angels in heaven know. The Son does not know. Only the Father knows. So keep watch. You do not know on what day your Lord will come (Mat 24:36,42).
Thank You Jesus, for your insightful answers. They were very helpful and we appreciate them.
We’ve finally come to the end of our questioning, and I must say, we’ve got all of the facts about whether there are any people in heaven.
It’s amazing how our bible witnesses did not contradict each other with their answers. That’s how you know that all of the facts are on your side.
Before we go, let’s summarize these facts one last time. It all started with the question:
Are There People In Heaven Right Now? Here Are The Complete Set Of Facts:
→ Man is not immortal- God ALONE is.
→ Man is not composed of spirit, but rather of flesh.
→ Man is a soul. A soul is not immortal and therefore, dies.
→ The case for Soul Sleep has clearly been established.
→ When a man dies, he ceases to exist. In that instance, his thoughts perish.
→ Man does not go to heaven at the moment of death.
→ When a man dies, he goes nowhere but to the silence of the grave.
→ No man has ever gone to heaven.
→ Aside from what scripture tells us, no man knows what heaven looks like.
→ No man has ever seen God.
→ Every man that has ever lived and died, is still in his grave this very day.
→ God planned it where no man can go to heaven alone. We all go together.
→ No one can go to heaven until Jesus Christ returns- period.
→ No one knows the day or hour of Christ’s return. We must be watchful.
→ There are no people in heaven right now. Sorry.
Thanks to our NINE BIBLE WITNESSES. Now we have all of the facts.
Now you know.
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