What is the definition of sin? It’s time people own it!
Normally, people- in particular “religious” people, have no problem using the word “SIN” when freely discussing their theology. They can throw that word around all day, every day, without any problems. But! They wouldn’t dare be caught using its true definition – “BREAKING the LAW”.
For example, people who erroneously believe that God’s Law has somehow been abolished, has been replaced by Love, or has been butchered in some way to fit in a believer’s New Covenant lifestyle of not being required to be Law-compliant, have no issues stating a comment like the following:
“SIN is what separates us from God.”
But, they wouldn’t dare be caught dead saying this:
“Breaking the Law, is what separates us from God.”
Nonetheless, IT MEANS THE VERY SAME THING! And it just shows their sheer disconnect from biblical reality and their abhorrence for God’s Law.
They’ll never admit it, but they have an obscured contempt for God’s Holy Law. They just can’t get themselves around to embracing it, and therefore, will tenaciously fight against it along every step of the way.
One explanation that Paul gives for some of these people is that they are still carnal minded, and therefore, still in the flesh.
This is how Paul describes their utter contempt for God’s Law:
Romans 8:7 – Because the CARNAL MIND is enmity against God; for IT IS NOT subject to the Law of God, NOR INDEED CAN BE.
So, as if one was different from the other, they’ll hardly ever use the actual definition of sin, but instead, will only use the word, “SIN”.
This is the TRUE biblical definition of Sin. And anywhere you see the word “SIN”, this is what it actually means:
1 John 3:4 – Everyone who sins BREAKS THE LAW. In fact, BREAKING THE LAW IS SIN. (NIrV)
And so, how is just one other way to prove that God’s Law hasn’t been done away with in this New Covenant era?
Simple! Just read the New Testament. The word SIN is found littered throughout its pages. Therefore, it means that God’s Law is still being broken- because, that’s what sin means. Which, then means, that God’s Law still exists. It’s pretty self-explanatory, folks.
Friends, God’s Law is ETERNAL.